Pea and Courgette Fritters – VeganMoFo Day 20

Today’s VeganMoFo prompt is to do something Green. This could be interpreted two ways – green the colour, or green being environmentally friendly. This recipe could maybe fit both! It’s definitely green colour wise, and if you make it in the summer when courgettes (or zucchini, to Americans here) are abundant and perhaps even home grown, it’s pretty good for the environment too.


These fritters are actually really easy to make. They hold together with no eggs, due to the magic of chickpea flour! Also known as gram flour, you can buy this in most supermarkets in the UK in the south Asian section. This flour makes a batter that sets up like a pancake when you fry it! I used it before in last year’s VeganMoFo to actually make pancakes!

You can grate your courgettes by hand or with a food processor if you have that attachment. Either way works fine, but just make sure to grate them on the smallest setting if you do use your food processor. I defrost the peas by putting them in a bowl and pouring over boiling water, and letting them sit for five minutes. This means they don’t go mushy at all and will hold up in your fritters. I also like to add a green chilli to give a bit of a kick but this is entirely optional.

Pea and Courgette Fritters

  • Servings: makes 8 fritters
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  • 3 courgettes (500g), grated
  • 200g frozen peas
  • 1 green chilli, finely chopped (optional)
  • 150g chickpea flour
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 100ml cold water
  • salt and pepper
  • oil for frying


  1. Begin by defrosting the peas. Place them in a large bowl, and pour over boiling water to cover. Leave for 5 minutes, then drain.
  2. Next, combine the peas, courgettes, and chilli in another large bowl. Sift over the chickpea flour, and add the salt and pepper.
  3. Mix the chickpea flour with the vegetables well, until no dry lumps are found.
  4. Add the olive oil, and gradually pour in the cold water, stirring to form a batter.
  5. Leave the fritter batter to rest for half an hour before frying.
  6. Once the half an hour rest is up, take large spoonfuls of the batter and place in a hot oiled pan.
  7. Fry for 5 minutes on each side (depends on your heat source) until golden brown. Flip and fry until the other side is browned too.
  8. Serve!

6 thoughts on “Pea and Courgette Fritters – VeganMoFo Day 20

  1. Pingback: Bolognese Pasta Bake | Überbackene Bolognese – VGNGF = vegan, glutenfree, delicious.

  2. Pingback: VeganMoFo Day 22 – Food Flops – Walks, Talks & Eats

  3. Pingback: Curried Chickpea Flour Scramble – Walks, Talks & Eats

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