3-Ingredient Peanut Butter Cup: Vegan MoFo Day 21

Day 21! That’s three weeks of Vegan MoFo done, wow.

For today, our prompt was “What three endless food supplies would you take if you were going to be stranded on an island?”.

I wasn’t sure what to do – I could go the easy route and just take three foods I love to eat and just write about them (maybe three kinds of chocolate!) but I figured that wouldn’t be very interesting for you guys to read about.

So, I thought maybe I could choose three ingredients I could make something with! But what can you make with just three ingredients? Well a fair bit actually, but I decided to go with something super tasty that isn’t often vegan…

…Peanut butter cups! Now, I hear you can get vegan PB cups in the US, and occasionally you can find them in special stores here in the UK, but they’re expensive and these are so easy and cheap – why not make them? Just three ingredients.

These are the three ingredients I started with, peanut butter, icing sugar (powdered sugar) and dark chocolate.

First, you melt half the chocolate.

Mmm…melted chocolate. Don’t eat it yet.

Then, arrange your cases (I used “petit four” cases so they ended up mini cups) on a baking sheet on a tray. Put a blob of the melted chocolate in the bottom of each cup (don’t worry about them being messy!) and drop the tray lightly on the table a couple of times. This evens out the chocolate so it covers the whole base of the cup!

Told you it was a little messy!

Next, mix your peanut butter and icing sugar together in a bowl until you get a fudgy mixture. Roll it into small balls (slightly bigger than a chickpea!) and place one in each cup, on top of the chocolate.

Next, melt the rest of the chocolate and spoon it over the peanut fudge balls. Once again, tap the tray on the table to get the chocolate to settle.

I then put the tray in the freezer for 30 minutes so they could set, but you could just put it in the fridge if you prefer. Leave them to set entirely before you remove them from their cases.

Keep in the fridge and enjoy!

Bonus: Inside shot!

3-Ingredient Peanut Butter Cups

  • Servings: 24 mini cups
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  • 400g chocolate
  • 125g creamy peanut butter
  • 125g powdered sugar


  1. Set up a baking tray with your cake cases. Use petit four cases for mini cups, or cupcake cases for regular sized.
  2. Melt 200g chocolate (I did this in the microwave).
  3. Put a small blob of chocolate in the base of each cup case. Once each case has chocolate in, tap the tray on the surface to even out the melted chocolate.
  4. In a bowl, add the peanut butter and sift in the powdered sugar. Mix well until a fudgy mixture forms.
  5. Form the peanut fudge into small balls – slightly bigger than a chickpea, or even larger if you use full size cupcake cases.
  6. Add one ball to each case, placing it in the centre of the chocolate.
  7. Melt the final 200g chocolate and spoon it over the peanut butter balls.
  8. Again, tap the tray on the surface to even out the chocolate.
  9. Put the cups (still on the tray) in the fridge or freezer and leave until set.
  10. Enjoy! Store in the fridge, else they’ll melt!

One thought on “3-Ingredient Peanut Butter Cup: Vegan MoFo Day 21

  1. Pingback: VeganMoFo Day 22 – Food Flops – Walks, Talks & Eats

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